I have just begun 'A Course In Miracles'. It's a very long 365 day work sheet with 1 lesson to be practiced each day - though not necessarily everyday.
It's only lesson 8 (357 days to go) but so far each task has been concerned with observing how the mind operates and identifies with images and thoughts.
The premise is that my mind knows nothing of the world it sees. It constantly associates everything it sees with past information. Because of this I never truly see what is before me - now.
I assume this is referring to the 'tagging' that I do once I am told what things are. This is a tree. That is grass. Nothing that I observe is exempt from this habit.
Even if I fail to recognise something I still associate it with something similar from my memory data until it's properly identified. For a minute there I thought that cat was a rock until it moved.
How is it possible to see something for the first time every time?
It's a strange question to ask when everything I see is actually seen for the first time every time. No matter how many times I see the same object nothing is the same from moment to moment.
I am seeing every thing for the first time from the second I enter the world until I leave.
I believe suffering in life is manifest of my frustration at not realising this truth. Experiencing it! I am left always wanting.
If I may digress for a moment.... Much of the power associated with mind altering drugs such as LSD is what allows users to experience seeing things for the first time.
I'm not advocating the use of drugs. LSD is toxic and prevents us from operating in the world but none the less those Doors Of Perception can be tapped upon.
I experimented with similar LSD substances many years ago and still recall how life appeared to emanate from within the objects I laid eyes on. Of course I understand that my mind was under manipulation but that does not mean the light I experienced was also manipulated.
I believe that light I saw all those years ago is the very same light I seek from within myself, others, every thing. The light is always present and is what allows me to see every thing for the first time. I can't take my eyes from the light. It is us.
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